Use this booking form to schedule a photo-shoot to capture your AirBnB which was set-up with AirBnB, StudioNow, or Snapwire, otherwise use this Link.
Photo-shoots generally take less then an hour.
Your property must be ready when the photographer arrives. Please have all lights on, fans off, doors open, windows closed, blinds/curtains open, any sensitive/non-public items hidden.
We shoot in all weather! But if the weather does not permit due to safety concerns (our discretion) we will notify you as soon as possible to re-schedule with no additional fees.
We will only shoot under safe conditions (our discretion).
By submitting this form you are acknowledging and accepting the above terms and conditions.
Custom menu section
This is off canvas menu widget area. To enable it add some widgets into Appearance – Widgets – Menu Section, and go to Customizer – Main menu to set the icon position.